Building a charitable brand from the ground up.
The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute
The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute (TDBI) is a non-profit institution dedicated to applying the theological and ethical insights of this brilliant World War II-era Protestant leader, Nazi resister, and philosopher to the social crises of our times. Led by The Rev. Dr. Robert Schenck, TDBI began as an idea whose story had to be told – and told well – to gather the supporters required to move it from concept to action.
Immersing himself in the mission and vision of this new non-profit was an essential first step for Michael Desroches to ensure that the materials his agency produced struck the right chord. “I was surprised by how quickly Michael grasped what we were doing, the message that we try to convey, the ideas, the concepts and the nature of the audience to whom we are broadcasting. He was quick to learn the unique market that we occupy,” Rev. Schenck explained.
From there, Brand Inspiration created necessary and credible visual imagery to engender donor confidence: a logo, a color scheme, and font choices for print and digital display. Brand Inspiration then worked with its partner agency, TripleOne Consulting, to identify prospective major donors.
“When you live in the world of program, which is where I sit and our other employees work, you’re not trained in those other functions…Brand Inspiration brought the skills, the tools and the language that is necessary to succeed in those spaces.”
TDBI’s new visual and graphic identity was translated into the organization’s print literature and across its digital platforms – including a new website and social media channels. To ensure consistency, “Brand Inspiration works with our writer and our team, who provide raw material, and then they edit and create appropriate content for each channel; it’s been a very successful program,” Rev. Schenck says. And those donors? “Thus far, we have been successful with two major donors, with many more in the queue,” he says.
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